
The GymEnv is a prepared environment for training and testing various robotic tasks. Visualized as a gym, it contains several specialized Workspaces, where the training can take place. * baskets, collabtable, darts, drawer, football, fridge, maze, stairs, table, verticalmaze

class myGym.envs.gym_env.GymEnv(workspace='table', object_sampling_area=None, dimension_velocity=0.05, used_objects=None, num_objects_range=None, action_repeat=1, color_dict=None, robot='kuka', robot_position=[0.0, 0.0, 0.0], robot_orientation=[0, 0, 0], robot_action='step', robot_init_joint_poses=[], task_type='reach', num_subgoals=0, task_objects=['virtual_cube_holes'], reward_type='gt', reward='distance', distance_type='euclidean', active_cameras=None, dataset=False, obs_space=None, visualize=0, visgym=1, logdir=None, vae_path=None, yolact_path=None, yolact_config=None, **kwargs)[source]

Environment class for particular environment based on myGym basic environment classes

param workspace

(string) Workspace in gym, where training takes place (collabtable, maze, drawer, …)

param object_sampling_area

(list of floats) Volume in the scene where objects can appear ([x,x,y,y,z,z])

param dimension_velocity

(float) Maximum allowed velocity for robot movements in individual x,y,z axis

param used_objects

(list of strings) Names of extra objects (not task objects) that can appear in the scene

param num_objects_range

(list of ints) Minimum and maximum number of extra objects that may appear in the scene

param action_repeat

(int) Amount of steps the robot takes between the simulation steps (updates)

param color_dict

(dict) Dictionary of specified colors for chosen objects, Key: object name, Value: RGB color

param robot

(string) Type of robot to train in the environment (kuka, panda, ur3, …)

param robot_position

(list) Position of the robot’s base link in the coordinate frame of the environment ([x,y,z])

param robot_orientation

(list) Orientation of the robot’s base link in the coordinate frame of the environment (Euler angles [x,y,z])

param robot_action

(string) Mechanism of robot control (absolute, step, joints)

param robot_init_joint_poses

(list) Configuration in which robot will be initialized in the environment. Specified either in joint space as list of joint poses or in the end-effector space as [x,y,z] coordinates.

param task_type

(string) Type of learned task (reach, push, …)

param num_subgoals

(int) Number of subgoals in task

param task_objects

(list of strings) Objects that are relevant for performing the task

param reward_type

(string) Type of reward signal source (gt, 3dvs, 2dvu)

param reward

(string) Defines how to compute the reward

param distance_type

(string) Way of calculating distances (euclidean, manhattan)

param active_cameras

(int) The number of camera used to render and record images

param dataset

(bool) Whether this environment serves for image dataset generation

param obs_space

(string) Type of observation data. Specify “dict” for usage of HER training algorithm.

param visualize

(bool) Whether to show helping visualization during training and testing of environment

param visgym

(bool) Whether to visualize whole gym building and other tasks (final visualization)

param logdir

(string) Directory for logging

param vae_path

(string) Path to a trained VAE in 2dvu reward type

param yolact_path

(string) Path to a trained Yolact in 3dvu reward type

param yolact_config

(string) Path to saved Yolact config obj or name of an existing one in the data/Config script or None for autodetection

reset(random_pos=True, hard=False, random_robot=False)[source]

Environment reset called at the beginning of an episode. Reset state of objects, robot, task and reward.

param random_pos

(bool) Whether to initiate objects to random locations in the scene

param hard

(bool) Whether to do hard reset (resets whole pybullet scene)

param random_robot

(bool) Whether to initiate robot in random pose

return self._observation

(list) Observation data of the environment


Get observation data from the environment

return observation

(array) Represented position of task relevant objects


Environment step in simulation

param actions

(list) Action data to send to robot to perform movement in this step

return self._observation

(list) Observation data from the environment after this step

return reward

(float) Reward value assigned to this step

return done

(bool) Whether this stop is episode’s final

return info

(dict) Additional information about step


Show bounding box of object in the scene in GUI


Set object’s color

param object

(object) Object

return color

(list) RGB color