Create custom reward

Reward function is the essential element of Reinforcement learning mechanism. The way how the reward signal is composed may depend on the type of learned task, task complexity, available agent’s observation, learning algorithm etc. There are three basic reward functions prepared in myGym, see Reward, and this tutorial shows how to create a custom one.

The definition of Reward class is here, it reads two input arguments - env object and task object, which are initialized at the beginning of each training and contain useful characteristics of the particular learning session. Reward class has implemented visualization methods, compute and reset method.

Create your custom reward as a child of Reward class:

class MyReward(Reward):
def __init__(self, env, task):
    super(MyReward, self).__init__(env, task)

and define custom compute and reset methods:

def compute(self, observation):
    reward = *your function*
    return reward

def reset(self):
    *reset any variable if needed*

Choose a keyword for your custom reward and crete an instance of MyReward during the initialization of training environment GymEnv here TODO:ref to mygym/envs/

if reward == 'myreward':
    self.reward = MyReward(env=self, task=self.task)

The method compute is called by GymEnv during each execution of step, the reset method is called at the end of an episode by the reset method of GymEnv.

To launch a training with your custom reward, pass your keyword as the reward argument either in the config file:

"reward": "myreward",

or in the command line:

python --reward=myreward