Generate dataset

Mygym provides this useful tool to help you generate dataset for custom training of vision models YOLACT and VAE. You can configure the dataset by json file, where you first specify the general dataset parameters as type, number of images to generate etc. Next, specify the environment, choose cameras to use for rendering images and set their resolution. Then choose a robot and objects to appear in the scene. You can further control the objects quantity, appearance and location.

A very useful feature that eventualy helps you to achieve better performance with trained vision network is myGym’s randomizer. Randomizer works as a wrapper to your standart myGym environment that enables more advanced setting of the scene. Thanks to randomizer, you can change textures of static and dynamic objects and/or their colors. You can change light conditions such as light intensity, direction or color. Camera randomizer slightly changes camera properties. Joint randomizer enables robots and dynamic objects to change their configuration.


To be able to use texture randomizer, download the texture dataset first:

cd myGym sh

Dataset json file

You can see an example json file with all parameters here:

# directory
    "output_folder" : "../myGym/yolact_vision/data/yolact/datasets/my_dataset",
# dataset parameters
    "dataset_type" : "coco", #"coco" (for yolact)/ "dope" / "vae"
    "make_dataset" : "display", #mode of writing files, "new" (override), "resume" (append),"display" (don't store results)
    "num_episodes" : 10000000, #total number of episodes
    "num_steps" : 1, #may need more steps per episode, because the arms are moving and the objects are first falling down from above the table
    "make_shot_every_frame" : 1, #used as if episode % make_shot_every_frame : 0, so for 60 % 30 it's 3 shots (0, 30, and 60)
    "num_episodes_hard_reset" : 40, #hard reset every x episode ensures objects rendering when GUI is on
    "autosafe_episode" : 100, #if episode % auto_safe_episode, write json files to directory (prevent data loss when process crashes)
    "random_arm_movement" : false, 
    "active_cameras" : [1,0,1,1,1], #set 1 at a position(=camera number) to save images from this camera
    "camera_resolution" : [640,480],
    "min_obj_area" : 49, #each object will have at least this pixels visible, to be reasonably recognizable. If not, skip. (49 ~ 7x7pix img)
    "train_test_split_pct" : 0.1, #data split, 0.0 = only train, 1.0 = only test 
    "visualize" : false, #binary masks for each labeled object
# env parameters 
    "env_name" : "Gym-v0", #name of environment
    "workspace" : "table", #name of workspace
    "visgym" : true, #whether visualize gym background
    "robot" : "jaco", #which robot to show in the scene
    "gui_on" : true, #whether the GUI of the simulation should be used or not
    "show_bounding_boxes_gui" : false,
    "changing_light_gui" : false, 
    "shadows_on" : true,
    "color_dict" : null, #use to make (fixed) object colors - textures and color_randomizer will be suppressed, pass null to ignore
    "object_sampling_area" : [0.1, 0.8, 0.4, 1.0, 1.25, 1.35], # xxyyzz
    "num_objects_range" : [3,5], #range for random count of sampled objects in each scene (>=0)
# randomization parameters
"seed": 42,
    "texture_randomizer": {
      "enabled": true,
      "exclude": [], #objects that will not be texturized, e.g. "table" or "floor" or "objects"
      "seamless": true,
      "textures_path": "./envs/dtdseamless/",
      "seamless_textures_path": "./envs/dtdseamless/"
    "light_randomizer": {
        "enabled": true,
        "randomized_dimensions": {
            "light_color": true, "light_direction": true,
            "light_distance": true, "light_ambient": true,
            "light_diffuse": true, "light_specular": true
    "camera_randomizer": {
        "enabled": true,
        "randomized_dimensions": {"target_position": true},
        "shift": [0.1, 0.1, 0.1]},
    "color_randomizer": {
        "enabled": true,
        "exclude": [], #objects that will not be texturized, e.g. "table" or "floor" or "objects"
        "randomized_dimensions": {"rgb_color": true, "specular_color": true}},
# objects parameters
    #Select here which classes you want to use in the simulator and annotate. Format: [quantity, class_name, class_id] 
    #If you want to make some classes to be classified as the same, assign them the same value, i.e. screw_round:1, peg:1
    #If you want some class to appear statistically more often, increase the quantity
    "used_class_names_quantity" : [[1,"jaco",1], [1,"jaco_gripper",2], [1,"car_roof",3], [1,"cube_holes",4], [1,"ex_bucket",5], [1,"hammer",6], [1,"nut",7], [1,"peg_screw",8], [1,"pliers",9], [1,"screw_round",10], [1,"screwdriver",11], [1,"sphere_holes",12],[1,"wafer",13], [1,"wheel",14], [1,"wrench",15]],
    #fix colors of objects, when color_dict = object_colors
    "object_colors" : {"car_roof": ["yellow"], "cube_holes": ["light_green"], "ex_bucket": ["black"], "hammer": ["red"], 
        "nut": ["light_blue"], "peg_screw": ["white"], "pliers": ["sepia"], "screw_round": ["light_blue"], 
        "screwdriver": ["purple"], "sphere_holes": ["gold"], "wafer":["dark_purple"], "wheel":["redwine"], "wrench": ["moccasin"]}

Assign RGB colors to objects by name as specified in the training config file


Create COCO json data structure

return data_train

(dict) Data structure for training data

return data_test

(dist) Data structure for testing data

class myGym.generate_dataset.GeneratorCoco[source]

Generator class for COCO image dataset for YOLACT vision model training


Create environment for COCO dataset generation according to dataset config file

return env

(object) Environment for dataset generation


Initial espisode set-up


Initialize data structures for COCO dataset annotations

return data_train

(dict) Data structure for training data

return data_test

(dist) Data structure for testing data


Resume COCO dataset generation

return data_train

(dict) Training data from preceding dataset generation in COCO data structure

return data_test

(dist) Testing data from preceding dataset generation in COCO data structure

return image_id

(int) ID of last generated image in preceding dataset generation


Assign name to COCO dataset image and train of test status

param data

(dict) Corresponding data dictionary

param name

(string) Name of image file for saving


Append COCO dataset image info to corresponding data dict


Make and append COCO annotations for each object in the scene


Visualize mask and bounding box coordinates for COCO annotated object


Write json file with COCO annotations to output directory

class myGym.generate_dataset.GeneratorVae[source]

Generator class for image dataset for VAE vision model training


Create environment for VAE dataset generation according to dataset config file


Collect data for VAE dataset

param steps

(int) Number of episodes initiated during dataset generation