
class, position=[0, 0, 0], target_position=[0, 0, 0], up_vector=[0, 0, 1], up_axis_index=2, yaw=180, pitch=- 40, roll=0, distance=1.3, field_of_view=60, near_plane_distance=0.1, far_plane_distance=100.0, is_absolute_position=False)[source]

Camera class for rendering

param env

(CameraEnv) Environment in which camera is located

param position

(list) Eye position in Cartesian world coordinates

prarm target_position

(list) Position of the target point

param up_vector

(list) Up vector of the camera

param up_axis_index

(int) Either 1 for Y or 2 for Z axis up

param yaw

(float) Yaw angle in degrees left/right around up-axis

param pitch

(float) Pitch in degrees up/down

param roll

(float) Roll in degrees around forward vector

param distance

(float) Distance from eye to focus point

param field_of_view

(float) Field of view

param near_plane_distance

(float) Near plane distance

param far_plane_distance

(float) Far plane distance

param is_absolute_position

(bool) Compute view matrix using poistion or yaw,pitch,roll

set_parameters(position=None, target_position=None, yaw=None, pitch=None, roll=None, distance=None, field_of_view=None, near_plane_distance=None, far_plane_distance=None)[source]

Set camera position and captured image parameters

param position

(list) Eye position in Cartesian world coordinates

prarm target_position

(list) Position of the target point

param yaw

(float) Yaw angle in degrees left/right around up-axis

param pitch

(float) Pitch in degrees up/down

param roll

(float) Roll in degrees around forward vector

param distance

(float) Distance from eye to focus point

param field_of_view

(float) Field of view

param near_plane_distance

(float) Near plane distance

param far_plane_distance

(float) Far plane distance


Compute view and projection matrixes needed for rendering


Project 3D point in Cartesian world coordinates to 2D point in pixel space

param point

(list) 3D point in Cartesian world coordinates

return 2d_point

(list) 2D coordinates of point on image


Get values of OpenCV matrix

return values

(dict) fx, fy, cx, cy values


Get RGB image,depth image and segmentation mask from the camera

return data

(dict) Image, depth, segmentation_mask