Source code for myGym.envs.base_env

import pybullet_data
import glob
import pybullet
import pybullet_utils.bullet_client as bc
import time
import numpy as np
from gym.utils import seeding
import gym
import os
import inspect
from import Camera
import pkg_resources
currentdir = pkg_resources.resource_filename("myGym", "envs")
repodir = pkg_resources.resource_filename("myGym", "./")

[docs]class BaseEnv(gym.Env): """ The base class for environments without rendering Parameters: :param gui_on: (bool) Whether or not to use PyBullet built-in GUI :param objects_dir_path: (str) Path to directory with URDF files for objects :param max_steps: (int) The maximum number of actions per episode :param show_bounding_boxes_gui: (bool) Whether or not to show bounding boxes in GUI :param changing_light_gui: (bool) Whether or not to change light in GUI :param shadows_on_gui: (bool) Whether or not to show shadows in GUI """ metadata = {'render.modes': [ 'human', 'rgb_array'], 'video.frames_per_second': 50} def __init__(self, gui_on=True, objects_dir_path=pkg_resources.resource_filename("myGym", "envs/"), max_steps=1024, show_bounding_boxes_gui=False, changing_light_gui=False, shadows_on_gui=True ): self.gui_on = gui_on self.max_steps = max_steps self.show_bounding_boxes_gui = show_bounding_boxes_gui self.changing_light_gui = changing_light_gui self.shadows_on_gui = shadows_on_gui # Set episode information self.episode_start_time = None self.episode_over = False self.episode_failed = False self.episode_reward = 0.0 self.episode_final_reward = [] self.episode_final_distance = [] self.episode_number = 0 self.episode_steps = 0 self.episode_max_time = 300 self.episode_info = "" # Set general params self.time_step = 1. / 240. self.urdf_root = pybullet_data.getDataPath() self.observation = {} # Set objects information self.objects_dir_path = objects_dir_path self.env_objects = [] self.scene_objects_uids = {} self.all_objects_filenames = self._get_all_urdf_filenames(self.objects_dir_path) # Set GUI self._connect_to_physics_server() # Set env params and load models self._set_physics() self._setup_scene() self._set_observation_space() self._set_action_space() def _connect_to_physics_server(self): """ Connect to the PyBullet physics server in SHARED_MEMORY, GUI or DIRECT mode """ if self.gui_on: self.p = bc.BulletClient(connection_mode=pybullet.GUI) # if (self.p < 0): # self.p = bc.BulletClient(connection_mode=p.GUI) self._set_gui_mode() else: self.p = bc.BulletClient(connection_mode=pybullet.DIRECT) self.p.setPhysicsEngineParameter(enableFileCaching=0) def _set_gui_mode(self): """ Set GUI parameters: camera, shadows, extra elements """ self.p.resetDebugVisualizerCamera(3.3, 0, -41, [0.0, 0.0, 0.33]) self.p.configureDebugVisualizer(self.p.COV_ENABLE_SHADOWS, self.shadows_on_gui) self.p.configureDebugVisualizer(self.p.COV_ENABLE_GUI, 0) def _set_physics(self): """ Set physics engine parameters """ self.p.setGravity(0, 0, -9.81) self.p.setPhysicsEngineParameter(solverResidualThreshold=0.00001, numSolverIterations=150, numSubSteps=20, useSplitImpulse=1, collisionFilterMode=1, constraintSolverType=self.p.CONSTRAINT_SOLVER_LCP_DANTZIG, globalCFM=0.000001, contactBreakingThreshold=0.001) #self.p.setPhysicsEngineParameter(solverResidualThreshold=0.00001, numSolverIterations=150, numSubSteps=20, useSplitImpulse=1, collisionFilterMode=1, constraintSolverType=self.p.CONSTRAINT_SOLVER_LCP_DANTZIG, globalCFM=0.000001) self.p.setTimeStep(self.time_step) self.p.setRealTimeSimulation(0) self.p.setPhysicsEngineParameter(enableConeFriction=1) print(self.p.getPhysicsEngineParameters()) def _setup_scene(self): """ Set up scene elements (furniture, objects, robots) """ raise NotImplementedError def _set_observation_space(self): """ Set limits of observations """ raise NotImplementedError def _set_action_space(self): """ Set limits of actions """ raise NotImplementedError def _get_observation(self): """ Get info about the state of the environment Returns: :return observation: (object) Observation of the environment """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def step(self, action): """ Apply action on the environment Parameters: :param action: (object) An action provided by the agent Returns: :return observation: (object) :return reward: (float) :return done: (bool): :return info: (dict): """ raise NotImplementedError
def _add_scene_object_uid(self, scene_object_uid, name): """ Call this method in order to enable texturization of object Parameters: :param scene_object: (int) """ self.scene_objects_uids[scene_object_uid] = name def get_scene_object_uid_by_name(self, name): for uid, object_name in self.scene_objects_uids.items(): if name == object_name: return uid return None
[docs] def seed(self, seed=None): """ Set the seed for this env's random number generator(s) """ self.np_random, seed = seeding.np_random(seed) return [seed]
[docs] def hard_reset(self): """ Full reset of the simulation. Delete and load again all objects and reset physics. """ self.p.resetSimulation() self.p.disconnect() self._connect_to_physics_server() self.scene_objects_uids = {} #self.episode_number = 0 self._set_physics() self._setup_scene()
def _restart_episode(self): """ Reset episode information and delete all objects """ self.p.removeAllUserDebugItems() self.episode_start_time = time.time() self.episode_over = False self.episode_failed = False self.episode_reward = 0.0 self.episode_steps = 0
[docs] def reset(self, hard=False): """ Reset the state of the environment """ if hard: self.hard_reset() else: self._remove_all_objects() self._restart_episode()
def _draw_bounding_boxes(self): """ Show bounding boxes in tne PyBullet GUI """ for object in self.env_objects: object.draw_bounding_box() def _compute_reward(self): """ Compute reward for the agent """ return NotImplementedError def _print_episode_summary(self, info_dict={}): """ Show an extra information about the episode Parameters: :param info_dict: (dict) Extra info """ if self.episode_failed: episode_status = "FAILURE" else: episode_status = "SUCCESS" print("#---------Episode-Summary---------#") print("Episode number: " + str(self.episode_number)) print("Episode's number of steps: " + str(self.episode_steps)) print("Episode status: " + episode_status) print("Episode info: " + self.episode_info) print("Episode reward: " + str(self.episode_reward)) print("Last step reward: " + str(self.reward.rewards_history[-1])) print("#---------------------------------#") for key, value in info_dict.items(): print(key + ": " + str(value)) def _get_random_urdf_filenames(self, n, used_objects=None): """ Sample random URDF files from directory with objects URDFs Parameters: :param n: (int) Number of URDF's :param used_objects: (list) Specified subset of objects Returns: :return selected_objects_filenames: (list) """ if used_objects or (self.all_objects_filenames is None): all_objects_filenames = [] for object_name in used_objects: if "virtual" in object_name: all_objects_filenames.append(object_name) for file in self.all_objects_filenames: if '/'+object_name+'.' in file: all_objects_filenames.append(file) else: # uses self.all_objects_filenames pass assert all_objects_filenames is not None selected_objects_filenames = [] total_num_objects = len(all_objects_filenames) if (n <= total_num_objects): selected_objects = np.random.choice( np.arange(total_num_objects), n, replace=True) else: selected_objects = list(np.arange(total_num_objects)) remain = n - total_num_objects selected_objects += list(np.random.choice( np.arange(total_num_objects), remain)) for object_id in selected_objects: selected_objects_filenames.append(all_objects_filenames[object_id]) return selected_objects_filenames def _get_all_urdf_filenames(self, dir): """ Get all URDF filenames from directory Parameters: :param dir: (int) Number of URDFs Returns: :return filenames: (list) """ list_all = [] for (dirpath, dirnames, filenames) in os.walk(self.objects_dir_path): if '_old' not in dirpath and 'urdf' in dirpath: list_all += [os.path.join(dirpath, file) for file in filenames] return list_all def _remove_object(self, object): """ Totally remove object from the simulation Parameters: :param object: (EnvObject) Object to remove """ self.env_objects.remove(object) self.p.removeBody(object.uid) def _remove_all_objects(self): """ Remove all objects from simulation (not scene objects or robots) """ env_objects_copy = self.env_objects[:] for env_object in env_objects_copy: self._remove_object(env_object)
[docs] def get_texturizable_objects_uids(self): """ Get all objects in the environment, on which textures can be applied Returns: :return texturizable_objects_uids: (list) """ return [object.get_uid() for object in self.env_objects] + list(self.scene_objects_uids.keys())
[docs] def get_colorizable_objects_uids(self): """ Get all objects in the environment, which color can be changed Returns: :return colorizable_objects_uids: (list) """ return [object.get_uid() for object in self.env_objects] + list(self.scene_objects_uids.keys())
def __del__(self): """ Disconnect from the physics server """ self.p.disconnect()
[docs]class CameraEnv(BaseEnv): """ The class for environments with rendering Parameters: :param camera_resolution: (list) The number of pixels in image (WxH) :param shadows_on: (bool) Whether or not to use shadows while rendering, only applies to ER_TINY_RENDERER :param render_on: (bool) Turn on rendering :param renderer: (int) self.p.ER_TINY_RENDERER (CPU) or self.p.ER_BULLET_HARDWARE_OPENGL (GPU) :param active_cameras: (list) Set 1 at a position(=camera number) to save images from this camera """ def __init__(self, camera_resolution=[640, 480], shadows_on=True, render_on=True, renderer=pybullet.ER_BULLET_HARDWARE_OPENGL, active_cameras=None, **kwargs): super(CameraEnv, self).__init__(**kwargs) self.camera_resolution = camera_resolution self.shadows_on = shadows_on self.render_on = render_on self.renderer = renderer self.active_cameras = active_cameras self.cameras = [] self.set_light() self._set_cameras()
[docs] def set_light(self, light_direction=[1, 1, 1], light_color=[0.1, 0.1, 0.1], light_distance=1., light_ambient=1., light_diffuse=1., light_specular=1.): """ Set light parameters for rendering, doesn't affect PyBullet GUI. Appart from light_direction, all parameters only apply to ER_TINY_RENDERER. Parameters: :param light_direction: (list) Specifies the world position of the light source :param light_color: (list) Directional light color in RGB in range 0..1 :param light_distance: (float) Distance of the light along the normalized light_direction :param light_ambient: (float) Light ambient coefficient in range 0..1 :param light_diffuse: (float) Light diffuse coefficient in range 0..1 :param light_specular: (float) Light specular coefficient in range 0..1 """ self.light_direction = light_direction self.light_color = light_color self.light_distance = light_distance self.light_ambient = light_ambient self.light_diffuse = light_diffuse self.light_specular = light_specular
[docs] def get_render_parameters(self): """ Return environment parameters for rendering, initially is intended to use by cameras Returns: :return render_parameters: (dict) Render parameters """ return { "width": self.camera_resolution[0], "height": self.camera_resolution[1], "lightDirection": self.light_direction, "lightColor": self.light_color, "lightDistance": self.light_distance, "shadow": 1 if self.shadows_on else 0, "lightAmbientCoeff": self.light_ambient, "lightDiffuseCoeff": self.light_diffuse, "lightSpecularCoeff": self.light_specular, "renderer": self.renderer }
def _set_cameras(self): """ Set cameras available to use for rendering """ raise NotImplementedError def get_cameras(self): return self.cameras
[docs] def add_camera(self, **kwargs): """ Add new camera to the environment Parameters: :param position: (list) Eye position in Cartesian world coordinates :prarm target_position: (list) Position of the target point :param up_vector: (list) Up vector of the camera :param up_axis_index: (int) Either 1 for Y or 2 for Z axis up :param yaw: (float) Yaw angle in degrees left/right around up-axis :param pitch: (float) Pitch in degrees up/down :param roll: (float) Roll in degrees around forward vector :param distance: (float) Distance from eye to focus point :param field_of_view: (float) Field of view :param near_plane_distance: (float) Near plane distance :param far_plane_distance: (float) Far plane distance """ self.cameras.append(Camera(env=self, **kwargs))
def set_active_cameras(self, active_cameras): if (len(active_cameras) == len(self.cameras)): self.active_cameras = active_cameras def change_current_camera(self, camera_num): print("Change camera to " + str(self.current_camera)) self.current_camera = camera_num
[docs] def render(self, mode="rgb_array", camera_id=None): """ Get image (image, depth, segmentation_mask) from camera or active cameras Parameters: :param mode: (str) rgb_array to return RGB image :param camera_id: (int) Get image from specified camera Returns: :return camera_data: (dict) Key: camera_id, Value: info from camera """ if mode != "rgb_array": return np.array([]) camera_data = {} if self.render_on: if camera_id is not None: camera_data[camera_id] = self.cameras[camera_id].render() else: for camera_num in range(len(self.active_cameras)): if self.active_cameras[camera_num]: camera_data[camera_num] = self.cameras[camera_num].render() return camera_data
[docs] def project_point_to_camera_image(self, point, camera_id): """ Project 3D point in Cartesian world coordinates to 2D point in pixel space Parameters: :param point: (list) 3D point in Cartesian world coordinates :param camera_id: (int) Index of camera to project on Returns: :return 2d_point: (list) 2D coordinates of point on imageg """ return self.cameras[camera_id].project_point_to_image(point)
[docs] def get_camera_opencv_matrix_values(self, camera_id): """ Compute values of OpenCV matrix Parameters: :param camera_id: (int) Index of camera to get matrix from Returns: :return values: (dict) fx, fy, cx, cy values """ return self.cameras[camera_id].get_opencv_camera_matrix_values()