Source code for myGym.envs.env_object

import os, inspect
import atexit

import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
from shutil import copyfile
import pybullet
import random
import glob
import numpy as np
import sys, shutil
from datetime import datetime
import pkg_resources
currentdir = pkg_resources.resource_filename("myGym", "envs")

[docs]class EnvObject: """ Env object class for dynamic object in PyBullet environment Parameters: :param urdf_path: (string) Path to model of object :param position: (list) Position of object in the coordinate frame of the environment ([x,y,z]) :param orientation: (list) Orientation of object in the coordinate frame of the environment (quaternion [x,y,z,w]) :param fixed: (bool) Whether the object should have fixed position and orientation :param pybullet_client: Which pybullet client the environment should refere to in case of parallel existence of multiple instances of this environment """ def __init__(self, urdf_path, position=[0, 0, 0], orientation=[0, 0, 0, 0], fixed=False, pybullet_client=None): self.p = pybullet_client self.urdf_path = urdf_path self.init_position = position self.init_orientation = orientation self.fixed = fixed = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(self.urdf_path))[0] self.virtual = True if "virtual" in else False if not self.virtual: self.uid = self.load() self.bounding_box = self.get_bounding_box() self.centroid = self.get_centroid() else: self.uid = 1 self.bounding_box = None self.centroid = None self.debug_line_ids = [] self.cuboid_dimensions = None
[docs] def set_color(self, color): """ Set desired color of object Parameters: :param color: (list) RGB color to set """ self.color_rgba = color if not self.virtual: self.p.changeVisualShape(self.uid, -1, rgbaColor=self.color_rgba)
[docs] def set_random_color(self): """ Set random color of object """ self.color_rgba = self.get_random_color() if not self.virtual: self.p.changeVisualShape(self.uid, -1, rgbaColor=self.color_rgba)
[docs] def get_color_rgba(self): """ Get object's color Returns: :return self.color_rgba: (list) RGB color of object """ return self.color_rgba
[docs] def set_random_texture(self, obj_id, patternPath="dtd/images"): """ Apply texture to object Parameters: :param obj_id: (int) ID of object :param patternPath: (string) relative path to *.jpg (recursive) with textures """ pp = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(currentdir, str(patternPath))) texture_paths = glob.glob(os.path.join(pp, '**', '*.jpg'), recursive=True) texture_paths += glob.glob(os.path.join(pp, '**', '*.png'), recursive=True) random_texture_path = random.choice(texture_paths) if not self.virtual: texture_id = self.p.loadTexture(random_texture_path) try: self.p.changeVisualShape(obj_id, -1, rgbaColor=[1, 1, 1, 1]) self.p.changeVisualShape(obj_id, -1, textureUniqueId=texture_id) except: print("Failed to apply texture to obj ID:" + str(obj_id) + " from path=" + str(pp))
[docs] def set_init_position(self, position): """ Set object's initial position in world coordinates Parameters: :param position: (list) Desired initial position ([x,y,z]) """ self.init_position = position
[docs] def set_init_orientation(self, orientation): """ Set object's initial orientation in world coordinates Parameters: :param orientation: (list) Desired initial orientation (quaternion [x,y,z,w]) """ self.init_orientation = orientation
[docs] def get_position(self): """ Get object's position in world coordinates Returns: :return position: (array) Position ([x,y,z]) of object """ return self.get_position_and_orientation()[0]
[docs] def get_orientation(self): """ Get object's orientation in quaterion in world coordinates Returns: :return orientation: (array) Orientation of object (quaternion [x,y,z,w]) """ return self.get_position_and_orientation()[1]
[docs] def get_orientation_euler(self): """ Get object's orientation in Euler angles in world coordinates Returns: :return orientation: (array) Orientation of object in Euler angles (degrees) """ return self.p.getEulerFromQuaternion(self.get_position_and_orientation()[1])
[docs] def get_position_and_orientation(self): """ Get object's position and orientation in quaterion in world coordinates Returns: :return orientation: (array) Position ([x,y,z]) Orientation of object (quaternion [x,y,z,w]) """ if not self.virtual: return self.p.getBasePositionAndOrientation(self.uid) else: return (self.init_position, self.init_orientation)
[docs] def set_position(self, position): """ Set object's position in world coordinates Parameters: :param position: (array) Position ([x,y,z]) of object """ if not self.virtual: self.p.resetBasePositionAndOrientation(self.uid, position, self.get_orientation())
[docs] def set_orientation(self, orientation): """ Set object's orientation in quaterion in world coordinates Parameters: :param orientation: (array) Orientation of object in quaternion ([x,y,z,w]) """ if not self.virtual: self.p.resetBasePositionAndOrientation(self.uid, self.get_position(), orientation)
[docs] def move(self, movement): """ Move object to new position relative to current position Parameters: :param movement: (array) By how much to move from current position ([x,y,z]) """ current_position = self.get_position() self.set_position(np.add(current_position, movement))
[docs] def rotate_euler(self, rotation): """ Rotate object to new orientation relative to current orientation in Euler angles Parameters: :param rotation: (array) By how much to rotate from current rotation (degrees) """ current_euler= self.p.getEulerFromQuaternion(self.get_orientation()) next_euler = np.add(current_euler, rotation) self.set_orientation(self.p.getQuaternionFromEuler(next_euler))
[docs] def get_file_path(self): """ Get path to object's model Returns: :return self.file_path: (string) Path to object's model """ return self.file_path
def set_texture(self, texture): pass
[docs] def load(self): """ Load object from it's model to the scene Returns: :return self.uid: (int) ID of loaded object """ self.uid = self.p.loadURDF(self.urdf_path, self.init_position, self.init_orientation, useFixedBase=self.fixed, flags=self.p.URDF_USE_SELF_COLLISION) self.p.changeDynamics(self.uid, 0, collisionMargin=0., contactProcessingThreshold=0.0, ccdSweptSphereRadius=0) return self.uid
[docs] def get_bounding_box(self): """ Get 3D axis-aligned bounding box of object Returns: :return bounding_box: (list) Center and 8 coordinates of vertices of the bounding box """ bounding_box = [] diag = self.p.getAABB(self.uid) bounding_box.append(diag[0]) bounding_box.append((diag[0][0], diag[1][1], diag[0][2])) bounding_box.append((diag[1][0], diag[0][1], diag[0][2])) bounding_box.append((diag[1][0], diag[1][1], diag[0][2])) bounding_box.append(diag[1]) bounding_box.append((diag[0][0], diag[0][1], diag[1][2])) bounding_box.append((diag[1][0], diag[0][1], diag[1][2])) bounding_box.append((diag[0][0], diag[1][1], diag[1][2])) bounding_box.append(list(np.divide(np.add(diag[0], diag[1]), 2))) return bounding_box
[docs] def get_centroid(self): """ Get position of object's centroid Returns: :return centeroid: (array) Position of object's centroid (center of mass) ([x,y,z]) """ return self.p.getBasePositionAndOrientation(self.uid)[0]
[docs] def draw_bounding_box(self): """ Draw object's 3D bounding box in the scene GUI """ diagonal_points = self.p.getAABB(self.uid) lines = self.get_lines(diagonal_points) if self.debug_line_ids: for i in range(len(lines)): self.p.addUserDebugLine(lines[i][0], lines[i][1], replaceItemUniqueId = self.debug_line_ids[i], lineColorRGB=(0.31, 0.78, 0.47), lineWidth = 2) else: for i in range(len(lines)): self.debug_line_ids.append(self.p.addUserDebugLine(lines[i][0], lines[i][1], lineColorRGB=(0.31, 0.78, 0.47), lineWidth = 2))
[docs] def get_lines(self, diag): """ Get lines connecting vertices of 3D bounding box Parameters: :param diag: (list) Diagonal points of 3D bounding box Returns: :return lines: (list) List of lines connecting vertices of 3D bounding box """ lines = [] lines.append((diag[0], (diag[0][0], diag[0][1], diag[1][2]))) lines.append((diag[0], (diag[0][0], diag[1][1], diag[0][2]))) lines.append((diag[0], (diag[1][0], diag[0][1], diag[0][2]))) lines.append((diag[1], (diag[1][0], diag[1][1], diag[0][2]))) lines.append((diag[1], (diag[1][0], diag[0][1], diag[1][2]))) lines.append((diag[1], (diag[0][0], diag[1][1], diag[1][2]))) lines.append(((diag[0][0], diag[0][1], diag[1][2]), (diag[1][0], diag[0][1], diag[1][2]))) lines.append(((diag[0][0], diag[0][1], diag[1][2]), (diag[0][0], diag[1][1], diag[1][2]))) lines.append(((diag[1][0], diag[1][1], diag[0][2]), (diag[1][0], diag[0][1], diag[0][2]))) lines.append(((diag[1][0], diag[1][1], diag[0][2]), (diag[0][0], diag[1][1], diag[0][2]))) lines.append(((diag[0][0], diag[1][1], diag[1][2]), (diag[0][0], diag[1][1], diag[0][2]))) lines.append(((diag[1][0], diag[0][1], diag[0][2]), (diag[1][0], diag[0][1], diag[1][2]))) return lines
[docs] def get_cuboid_dimensions(self): """ Get dimensions of cuboid defined by object's 3D bounding box Returns: :return self.cuboid_dimension: (list) Dimensions of cuboid """ if self.cuboid_dimensions is None: diag = self.p.getAABB(self.uid) self.cuboid_dimensions = np.absolute(np.subtract(diag[0], diag[1])).tolist() return self.cuboid_dimensions
[docs] def get_name(self): """ Get object's name. Uses data from URDF. Returns: :return (string) Object's name """ return
[docs] def get_uid(self): """ Get object's unique ID Returns: :return self.uid: Object's unique ID """ return self.uid
[docs] @staticmethod def get_random_object_position(boarders): """ Generate random position in defined volume Parameters: :param boarders: (list) Volume, where position may be generated ([x,x,y,y,z,z]) Returns: :return pos: (list) Position in specified volume ([x,y,z]) """ if any(isinstance(i, list) for i in boarders): boarders = boarders[random.randint(0,len(boarders)-1)] pos = [] pos.append(random.uniform(boarders[0], boarders[1])) #x pos.append(random.uniform(boarders[2], boarders[3])) #y pos.append(random.uniform(boarders[4], boarders[5])) #z return pos
[docs] @staticmethod def get_random_object_orientation(): """ Generate random orientation Returns: :return orientation: (array) Orientation (quaternion [x,y,z,w]) """ angleX = 3.14 * 0.5 + 3.14 * random.random() angleY = 3.14 * 0.5 + 3.14 * random.random() angleZ = 3.14 * 0.5 + 3.14 * random.random() return pybullet.getQuaternionFromEuler([angleX, angleY, angleZ])
[docs] @staticmethod def get_random_color(): """ Get random color Returns: :return color: (list) RGB color """ color = [] for i in range(3): color.append(random.uniform(0, 1)) color.append(1) return color