Source code for myGym.envs.robot

import os, inspect
import pkg_resources
import pybullet
import numpy as np
import math

currentdir = pkg_resources.resource_filename("myGym", "envs")
repodir = pkg_resources.resource_filename("myGym", "")

[docs]class Robot: """ Robot class for control of robot environment interaction Parameters: :param robot: (string) Type of robot to train in the environment (kuka, panda, ur3, ...) :param position: (list) Position of the robot's base link in the coordinate frame of the environment ([x,y,z]) :param orientation: (list) Orientation of the robot's base link in the coordinate frame of the environment (Euler angles [x,y,z]) :param end_effector_index: (int) Index of the robot's end-effector link. For myGym prepared robots this is assigned automatically. :param gripper_index: (int) Index of the robot's gripper link. For myGym prepared robots this is assigned automatically. :param init_joint_poses: (list) Configuration in which robot will be initialized in the environment. Specified either in joint space as list of joint poses or in the end-effector space as [x,y,z] coordinates. :param robot_action: (string) Mechanism of robot control (absolute, step, joints) :param use_fixed_gripper_orn: (bool) Whether to fix robot's end-effector orientation or not :param gripper_orn: (list) Orientation of gripper in Euler angles for the fixed_gripper_orn option :param dimension_velocity: (float) Maximum allowed velocity for robot movements in individual x,y,z axis :param max_velocity: (float) Maximum allowed velocity for robot movements. Should be adjusted in case of sim2real scenario. :param max_force: (float) Maximum allowed force reached by individual joint motor. Should be adjusted in case of sim2real scenario. :param pybullet_client: Which pybullet client the environment should refere to in case of parallel existence of multiple instances of this environment """ def __init__(self, robot='kuka', position=[-0.1, 0, 0.07], orientation=[0, 0, 0], end_effector_index=None, gripper_index=6, init_joint_poses=None, robot_action="step", use_fixed_gripper_orn=False, gripper_orn=[0, -math.pi, 0], dimension_velocity = 0.5, max_velocity = 1., max_force = 300., pybullet_client=None): self.p = pybullet_client self.robot_dict = {'kuka': {'path': '/envs/robots/kuka_magnetic_gripper_sdf/kuka_magnetic_gripper.sdf', 'position': np.array([0.0, -0.05, -0.041]), 'orientation': [0.0, 0.0, 1*np.pi]}, 'kuka_push': {'path': '/envs/robots/kuka_magnetic_gripper_sdf/kuka_push_gripper.sdf', 'position': np.array([0.0, 0.0, -0.041]), 'orientation': [0.0, 0.0, 1*np.pi]}, 'panda': {'path': '/envs/robots/franka_emika/panda_moveit/urdf/panda.urdf', 'position': np.array([0.0, 0.0, -0.04])}, 'jaco': {'path': '/envs/robots/jaco_arm/jaco/urdf/jaco_robotiq.urdf', 'position': np.array([0.0, 0.0, -0.041])}, 'jaco_fixed': {'path': '/envs/robots/jaco_arm/jaco/urdf/jaco_robotiq_fixed.urdf', 'position': np.array([0.0, 0.0, -0.041])}, 'reachy': {'path': '/envs/robots/pollen/reachy/urdf/reachy.urdf', 'position': np.array([0.0, 0.0, 0.32]), 'orientation': [0.0, 0.0, 0.0]}, 'leachy': {'path': '/envs/robots/pollen/reachy/urdf/leachy.urdf', 'position': np.array([0.0, 0.0, 0.32]), 'orientation': [0.0, 0.0, 0.0]}, 'reachy_and_leachy': {'path': '/envs/robots/pollen/reachy/urdf/reachy_and_leachy.urdf', 'position': np.array([0.0, 0.0, 0.32]), 'orientation': [0.0, 0.0, 0.0]}, 'gummi': {'path': '/envs/robots/gummi_arm/urdf/gummi.urdf', 'position': np.array([0.0, 0.0, 0.021]), 'orientation': [0.0, 0.0, 0.5*np.pi]}, 'gummi_fixed': {'path': '/envs/robots/gummi_arm/urdf/gummi_fixed.urdf', 'position': np.array([-0.1, 0.0, 0.021]), 'orientation': [0.0, 0.0, 0.5*np.pi]}, 'ur3': {'path': '/envs/robots/universal_robots/urdf/ur3.urdf', 'position': np.array([0.0, -0.02, -0.041]), 'orientation': [0.0, 0.0, 0.0]}, 'ur5': {'path': '/envs/robots/universal_robots/urdf/ur5.urdf', 'position': np.array([0.0, -0.03, -0.041]), 'orientation': [0.0, 0.0, 0.0]}, 'ur10': {'path': '/envs/robots/universal_robots/urdf/ur10.urdf', 'position': np.array([0.0, -0.04, -0.041]), 'orientation': [0.0, 0.0, 0.0]}, 'yumi': {'path': '/envs/robots/abb/yumi/urdf/yumi.urdf', 'position': np.array([0.0, 0.15, -0.042]), 'orientation': [0.0, 0.0, 0.0]}, 'human': {'path': '/envs/robots/real_hands/humanoid_with_hands_fixed.urdf', 'position': np.array([0.0, 1.5, 0.45]), 'orientation': [0.0, 0.0, 1.5*np.pi]} } self.robot_path = self.robot_dict[robot]['path'] self.position = np.array(position) + self.robot_dict[robot].get('position',np.zeros(len(position))) self.orientation = np.array(orientation) + self.robot_dict[robot].get('orientation',np.zeros(len(orientation))) self.orientation = self.p.getQuaternionFromEuler(self.orientation) = robot + '_gripper' self.max_velocity = max_velocity self.max_force = max_force self.end_effector_index = end_effector_index self.gripper_index = gripper_index self.use_fixed_gripper_orn = use_fixed_gripper_orn self.gripper_orn = self.p.getQuaternionFromEuler(gripper_orn) self.dimension_velocity = dimension_velocity self.motor_names = [] self.motor_indices = [] self.robot_action = robot_action self.magnetized_objects = {} self._load_robot() self.num_joints = self.p.getNumJoints(self.robot_uid) self._set_motors() self.joints_limits, self.joints_ranges, self.joints_rest_poses, self.joints_max_force, self.joints_max_velo = self.get_joints_limits() if len(init_joint_poses) == 3: joint_poses = list(self._calculate_accurate_IK(init_joint_poses)) self.init_joint_poses = joint_poses else: self.init_joint_poses = np.zeros((len(self.motor_names))) self.reset() def _load_robot(self): """ Load SDF or URDF model of specified robot and place it in the environment to specified position and orientation """ if self.robot_path[-3:] == 'sdf': objects = self.p.loadSDF( pkg_resources.resource_filename("myGym", self.robot_path)) self.robot_uid = objects[0] self.p.resetBasePositionAndOrientation(self.robot_uid, self.position, self.orientation) else: self.robot_uid = self.p.loadURDF( pkg_resources.resource_filename("myGym", self.robot_path), self.position, self.orientation, useFixedBase=True, flags=(self.p.URDF_USE_SELF_COLLISION)) for jid in range(self.p.getNumJoints(self.robot_uid)): self.p.changeDynamics(self.robot_uid, jid, collisionMargin=0., contactProcessingThreshold=0.0, ccdSweptSphereRadius=0) # if 'jaco' in #@TODO jaco gripper has closed loop between finger and finger_tip that is not respected by the simulator # self.p.createConstraint(self.robot_uid, 11, self.robot_uid, 15, self.p.JOINT_FIXED, [0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0]) # self.p.createConstraint(self.robot_uid, 13, self.robot_uid, 17, self.p.JOINT_FIXED, [0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0]) def _set_motors(self): """ Identify motors among all joints (fixed joints aren't motors). Identify index of gripper and end-effector link among all links. Uses data from robot model. """ for i in range(self.num_joints): joint_info = self.p.getJointInfo(self.robot_uid, i) if joint_info[12].decode("utf-8") == 'gripper': self.gripper_index = i if joint_info[12].decode("utf-8") == 'end_effector': self.end_effector_index = i q_index = joint_info[3] if q_index > -1: # Fixed joints have q_index -1 self.motor_names.append(str(joint_info[1])) self.motor_indices.append(i) if self.end_effector_index == None: self.end_effector_index = self.gripper_index print("Gripper index is: " + str(self.gripper_index)) print("End effector index is: " + str(self.end_effector_index))
[docs] def reset(self, random_robot=False): """ Reset joint motors Parameters: :param random_robot: (bool) Whether the joint positions after reset should be randomized or equal to initial values. """ self.magnetized_objects = {} if random_robot: self.reset_random() else: self.reset_joints(self.init_joint_poses)
[docs] def reset_random(self): """ Reset joint motors to random values within joint ranges """ joint_poses = [] for jid in range(len(self.motor_indices)): joint_poses.append(np.random.uniform(self.joints_limits[0][jid], self.joints_limits[1][jid])) self.reset_joints(joint_poses)
[docs] def reset_up(self): """ Reset joint motors to zero values (robot in upright position) """ self.reset_joints(np.zeros((len(self.motor_indices))))
[docs] def reset_joints(self, joint_poses): """ Reset joint motors to requested values Parameters: :param positions: (list) Values for individual joint motors """ joint_poses = np.clip(joint_poses, self.joints_limits[0], self.joints_limits[1]) for jid in range(len(self.motor_indices)): self.p.resetJointState(self.robot_uid, self.motor_indices[jid], joint_poses[jid]) self._run_motors(joint_poses)
[docs] def get_joints_limits(self): """ Identify limits, ranges and rest poses of individual robot joints. Uses data from robot model. Returns: :return [joints_limits_l, joints_limits_u]: (list) Lower and upper limits of all joints :return joints_ranges: (list) Ranges of movement of all joints :return joints_rest_poses: (list) Rest poses of all joints """ joints_limits_l, joints_limits_u, joints_ranges, joints_rest_poses, joints_max_force, joints_max_velo = [], [], [], [], [], [] for jid in self.motor_indices: joint_info = self.p.getJointInfo(self.robot_uid, jid) joints_limits_l.append(joint_info[8]) joints_limits_u.append(joint_info[9]) joints_ranges.append(joint_info[9] - joint_info[8]) joints_rest_poses.append((joint_info[9] + joint_info[8])/2) joints_max_force.append(max(joint_info[10],self.max_force)) joints_max_velo.append(max(joint_info[11],self.max_velocity)) return [joints_limits_l, joints_limits_u], joints_ranges, joints_rest_poses, joints_max_force, joints_max_velo
[docs] def get_action_dimension(self): """ Get dimension of action data, based on robot control mechanism Returns: :return dimension: (int) The dimension of action data """ if self.robot_action in ["joints", "joints_step"]: return len(self.motor_indices) else: return 3
[docs] def get_observation_dimension(self): """ Get dimension of robot part of observation data, based on robot task and rewatd type Returns: :return dimension: (int) The dimension of observation data """ return len(self.get_observation())
[docs] def get_observation(self): """ Get robot part of observation data Returns: :return observation: (list) Position of end-effector link (center of mass) """ observation = [] state = self.p.getLinkState(self.robot_uid, self.end_effector_index) pos = state[0] orn = self.p.getEulerFromQuaternion(state[1]) observation.extend(list(pos)) return observation
[docs] def get_position(self): """ Get position of robot's end-effector link Returns: :return position: (list) Position of end-effector link (center of mass) """ return self.p.getLinkState(self.robot_uid, self.end_effector_index)[0]
def _run_motors(self, joint_poses): """ Move joint motors towards desired joint poses respecting robot's dynamics Parameters: :param joint_poses: (list) Desired poses of individual joints """ joint_poses = np.clip(joint_poses, self.joints_limits[0], self.joints_limits[1]) self.joints_state = [] for i in range(len(self.motor_indices)): self.p.setJointMotorControl2(bodyUniqueId=self.robot_uid, jointIndex=self.motor_indices[i], controlMode=self.p.POSITION_CONTROL, targetPosition=joint_poses[i], targetVelocity=0, force=self.joints_max_force[i], maxVelocity=self.joints_max_velo[i], positionGain=0.7, velocityGain=0.3) self.joints_state.append(self.p.getJointState(self.robot_uid, self.motor_indices[i])[0]) #print('poses',joint_poses) #print('state',self.joints_state) self.end_effector_pos = self.p.getLinkState(self.robot_uid, self.end_effector_index)[0] def _calculate_joint_poses(self, end_effector_pos): """ Calculate joint poses corresponding to desired position of end-effector. Uses inverse kinematics. Parameters: :param end_effector_pos: (list) Desired position of end-effector in environment [x,y,z] Returns: :return joint_poses: (list) Calculated joint poses corresponding to desired end-effector position """ if (self.use_fixed_gripper_orn): joint_poses = self.p.calculateInverseKinematics(self.robot_uid, self.gripper_index, end_effector_pos, self.gripper_orn, lowerLimits=self.joints_limits[0], upperLimits=self.joints_limits[1], jointRanges=self.joints_ranges, restPoses=self.joints_rest_poses) else: joint_poses = self.p.calculateInverseKinematics(self.robot_uid, self.gripper_index, end_effector_pos) joint_poses = np.clip(joint_poses, self.joints_limits[0], self.joints_limits[1]) return joint_poses def _calculate_accurate_IK(self, end_effector_pos): """ Calculate joint poses corresponding to desired position of end-effector. Uses accurate inverse kinematics (iterative solution). Parameters: :param end_effector_pos: (list) Desired position of end-effector in environment [x,y,z] Returns: :return joint_poses: (list) Calculated joint poses corresponding to desired end-effector position """ thresholdPos = 0.01 thresholdOrn = 0.01 maxIter = 100 closeEnough = False itera = 0 while (not closeEnough and itera < maxIter): if (self.use_fixed_gripper_orn): joint_poses = self.p.calculateInverseKinematics(self.robot_uid, self.gripper_index, end_effector_pos, self.gripper_orn) else: joint_poses = self.p.calculateInverseKinematics(self.robot_uid, self.gripper_index, end_effector_pos, lowerLimits=self.joints_limits[0], upperLimits=self.joints_limits[1], jointRanges=self.joints_ranges, restPoses=self.joints_rest_poses) joint_poses = np.clip(joint_poses, self.joints_limits[0], self.joints_limits[1]) #reset the joint state (ignoring all dynamics, not recommended to use during simulation) for jid in range(len(self.motor_indices)): self.p.resetJointState(self.robot_uid, self.motor_indices[jid], joint_poses[jid]) ls = self.p.getLinkState(self.robot_uid, self.gripper_index) newPos = ls[4] #world position of the URDF link frame newOrn = ls[5] #world orientation of the URDF link frame diffPos = np.linalg.norm(np.asarray(end_effector_pos)-np.asarray(newPos)) if (self.use_fixed_gripper_orn): diffOrn = np.linalg.norm(np.asarray(self.gripper_orn)-np.asarray(newOrn)) else: diffOrn = 0 closeEnough = ((diffPos < thresholdPos) and (diffOrn < thresholdOrn)) itera = itera + 1 return joint_poses
[docs] def apply_action_step(self, action): """ Apply action command to robot using step control mechanism Parameters: :param action: (list) Desired action data """ action = [i * self.dimension_velocity for i in action] des_end_effector_pos = np.add(self.end_effector_pos, action) joint_poses = list(self._calculate_joint_poses(des_end_effector_pos)) self._run_motors(joint_poses)
[docs] def apply_action_absolute(self, action): """ Apply action command to robot using absolute control mechanism Parameters: :param action: (list) Desired action data """ des_end_effector_pos = action joint_poses = self._calculate_joint_poses(des_end_effector_pos) self._run_motors(joint_poses)
[docs] def apply_action_joints(self, action): """ Apply action command to robot using joints control mechanism Parameters: :param action: (list) Desired action data """ self._run_motors(action)
[docs] def apply_action_joints_step(self, action): """ Apply action command to robot using joint-step control mechanism Parameters: :param action: (list) Desired action data """ action = [i * self.dimension_velocity for i in action] joint_poses = np.add(self.joints_state, action) self._run_motors(joint_poses)
[docs] def apply_action(self, action): """ Apply action command to robot in simulated environment Parameters: :param action: (list) Desired action data """ if self.robot_action == "step": self.apply_action_step(action) elif self.robot_action == "joints_step": self.apply_action_joints_step(action) elif self.robot_action == "absolute": self.apply_action_absolute(action) elif self.robot_action == "joints": self.apply_action_joints(action) if 'panda' in for i in range(2): self.p.resetJointState(self.robot_uid, self.motor_indices[-1-i], self.joints_limits[1][-1-i]) if len(self.magnetized_objects): pos_diff = np.array(self.end_effector_pos) - np.array(self.end_effector_prev_pos) for key,val in self.magnetized_objects.items(): #key.set_position(val+pos_diff) self.p.changeConstraint(val, key.get_position()+pos_diff) #self.magnetized_objects[key] = key.get_position() self.end_effector_prev_pos = self.end_effector_pos
def magnetize_object(self, object, contacts): # Creates fixed joint between kuka gripper and object # TODO: Set constraint position if any(isinstance(i, tuple) for i in contacts): contacts = contacts[0] # parent = np.array(contacts[5]) - np.array(self.get_position()) # child = np.array(contacts[6]) - np.array(object.get_position()) # constraint_id = self.p.createConstraint(self.robot_uid, self.end_effector_index, object.uid, -1, # jointType=self.p.JOINT_FIXED, # jointAxis=[0, 0, 0], # parentFramePosition=parent, #[ 0.0, 0.0, 0.135] # childFramePosition=child) # self.magnetized_objects[object] = constraint_id self.p.changeVisualShape(object.uid, -1, rgbaColor=[0, 255, 0, 1]) #self.magnetized_objects[object] = object.get_position() self.end_effector_prev_pos = self.end_effector_pos constraint_id = self.p.createConstraint(object.uid, -1, -1, -1, self.p.JOINT_FIXED, [0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0], object.get_position()) self.magnetized_objects[object] = constraint_id def release_object(self, object): self.p.removeConstraint(self.magnetized_objects[object]) self.magnetized_objects.pop(object) def grasp_panda(self): for i in range(2): self.p.setJointMotorControl2(bodyUniqueId=self.robot_uid, jointIndex=self.motor_indices[-1-i], controlMode=self.p.POSITION_CONTROL, targetPosition=self.joints_limits[0][-1-i], targetVelocity=0, force=self.joints_max_force[-1-i], maxVelocity=self.joints_max_velo[-1-i], positionGain=0.7, velocityGain=0.3) self.p.stepSimulation()
[docs] def get_name(self): """ Get name of robot Returns: :return name: (string) Name of robot """ return